Richard Zimler, Preservação das memórias do Holocausto
«(...)I grew so troubled in part because I had recently become aware – while promoting a novel of mine that takes place in the Warsaw ghetto – that the Holocaust was fading from memory. Indeed, in talks I’d given in the UK and Poland, many readers made it clear from their comments that they had only a very superficial idea about what daily life was like in the overcrowded and disease-ridden ghettoes. Even more troubling, some knew precious little about the inhuman conditions in the extermination camps.
So how to balance our need to learn all we can about crimes against humanity – to try to prevent them from happening again – with the absolute right of victims to keep the details of their pasts to themselves? Although this seemed to me a question with no clear answer, it was still worth exploring. At this point I began planning a new novel; the effort of Holocaust survivors concealing their suffering – to try to prevent it from creating fear and despair in their children – seemed a noble effort very much worth writing about...
... Already, surveys reveal that two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 34 have no idea what Auschwitz was. That ignorance terrifies me and motivates me to keep writing about the Holocaust and survivors. After all, those who have no knowledge of the death camps might very well prove all too ready to start them up again (...)
Um silêncio absolutamente compreensível e digno do maior respeito, uma opção muito comum em muitos dos que têm e sentem não só um grande pudor, como uma enorme vontade de manter bem enterrado tudo quanto sejam recordações susceptíveis de provocar sofrimento, de reavivar memórias que, de tão inexoravelmente dolorosas, melhor será sejam abafadas e mantidas no lugar mais recôndito de si próprios.
Como em todas as situações pautadas pelo sofrimento humano, sobretudo aquele que resulta de sistemáticas humilhações, há sempre lacunas por preencher, importantes informações sonegadas que têm como consequência uma História menos enriquecida, só e apenas, por falta de corroboração por parte de todos aqueles que optaram pelo silêncio...
(*) «The history of man is the history of crimes, and history can repeat. So information is a defense. Through this we can build, we must build, a defense against repetition.»
Simon Wiesenthal in Baltimore Jewish Times, February 24, 1989
Mesmo a propósito aconselho vivamente a que vejam, na Netflix, o documentário "FORBIDEN SCHOOL" - "Filhos do Destino - Escola Proibida" de Francesco Miccichè / Marco Spagnoli (2019)
«The story of four Italian children facing the racial laws and the wave of hate brought by fascism against the Jews.»
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